19. September 2024
On 16.09.2024, around 150 people met for the 3rd General Assembly Meeting of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig in 2024. Technische Sammlungen Dresden with its interesting exhibitions on technology and natural sciences served as the venue for the event. The day offered insightful talks, engaging discussions and various opportunities for networking between the locations.
In the morning, the directors and administration directors gave an overview on administrative topics and project news from both locations. This was followed by a number of interesting presentations, which highlighted few of the research topics at our center. After the lunch break, the team members could participate in a breakout session, in which selected topics were discussed in greater depth in smaller groups, or alternatively were able to visit the exhibitions of the museum. Before the day was closed by an open feedback round, the PR team gave an overview of their current activities and the relaunch of our website.
For our colleagues from TUD Dresden University of Technology, the week continued with another event. On 18.09.2024, all departments of the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS) came together at Trefftz-Bau in Dresden for the second CIDS General Assembly. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel, director of CIDS and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig welcomed the team members and gave an overview of the annual report. After a meet a colleague session, among others with Prof. Martin Weigert, there was an overview talk about the Support Center Digitalization. The formal part of the CIDS General Assembly ended with a Q&A session. Afterwards, there was time for a get together and summer barbecue.