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6. March 2024

Gymnasium Torgau visits EduInf and ScaDS.AI

Gymnasium Torgau visits EduInf and ScaDS.AI

On 06.03.2024, pupils visited EduInf and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig to learn more about Artificial Intelligence at TUD Dresden University of Technology. We were happy to welcome 61 pupils from the 10th grade of Johann-Walter-Gymnasium Torgau.

Together with EduInf, we got the pupils interested in the topic of Artificial Intelligence and gave them an understanding of the technical background. In a total of 3 different workshops, researchers from ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and EduInf shared their expertise with the adolescents. The topics of the workshops were:

  • How does an Artificial Intelligence system make decisions? (Clemens Witt)
  • How important is data for creating an Artificial Intelligence? (Dr. Christoph Lehmann)
  • ChatGPT: Using Artificial Intelligence systems in a meaningful way. (Dr.-Ing. Claudia Loitsch)

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and EduInf were supported by the team of the school contact point. The school contact point gave the pupils of Johann-Walter-Gymnasium Torgau a guided tour of the campus and gave an insight into studying at TUD Dresden University of Technology.

We are happy to organize similar workshops for school classes in the future. Please get in contact with our PR team or check out the website of EduInf if you are interested. Our workshops on Artificial Intelligence for school classes are free.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.