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16. February 2017

IEEE SciVis Contest 2016


Each year the so called SciVis Contest takes place at the renowned international conference for visualization, the IEEE VIS. In 2016, the staff of the Computer Graphics and Visualisation Group of the TUD Dresden University of Technology, together with colleagues from the Visualization Research Centre of the University of Stuttgart, have won the IEEE SciVis Contest 2016.

With the SciVis Contest, the visualization community can confront themselves with challenging visual analysis tasks on real data scenarios. The 2016’s contest asked questions about large ensemble data sets of chemical processes of salt dissolution, namely the appearance and influence of viscous fingers. The entry by Technische Universität Dresden was deemed being the most wholesome and versatile solution, and thus gained the winning edge over its competitors.

This entry was titled Visual and Structural Analysis of Point-based Simulation Ensembles and was created by:

  • Dr. Sebastian Grottel,
  • Patrick Gralka,
  • Joachim Staib,
  • Karsten Schatz,
  • Grzegorz K. Karch,
  • Manuel Hirschler,
  • Dr. Michael Krone,
  • Dr. Guido Reina,
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Gumhold, and
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl

Sounds interesting? Check out the results of this winning entry yourself in this video:

We congratulate our colleagues from the Computer Graphics and Visualisation Group of TUD Dresden University of Technology for this wonderful success!

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.