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24. January 2024

IOM Leipzig visits the Living Lab and TU Dresden

IOM Leipzig visits the Living Lab and TU Dresden
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On 24.01.2024, researchers and PhD candidatesfrom the Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM) Leipzig visited the Living Lab in Dresden. The visit provided a unique opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technologies and research initiatives.


The delegation of IOM Leipzig explored the Lehmann-Zentrum data center (LZR) operated by Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) at TUD Dresden University of Technology, gaining valuable insights into the infrastructure that supports advanced computational and data analytics capabilities. At the Living Lab, our visitors were introduced to various demonstrators, showcasing the practical applications of the research being conducted at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. Furthermore, our Graduate School was presented, offering a glimpse into the academic and networking opportunities particularly tailored for PhD candidates. The visit culminated in a tour of the AI exhibition at the COSMO Science Forum. There, a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and innovations in the realm of artificial intelligence was provided.

Dr. Daniel Hackenberg guiding the visitors of IOM Leipzig through LRZ.

The collaborative efforts between IOM Leipzig and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig exemplify the institute’s commitment to interdisciplinary learning and research. These initiatives facilitate knowledge exchange but also foster collaborative opportunities with other leading institutions and research centers across Germany.

IOM Leipzig

IOM Leipzig is a research institute that specializes in the research and modification of surfaces and thin films, primarily using ion, electron, and laser beam processes as well as plasmas. The institute is dedicated to advancing the understanding and application of surface engineering through scientific expertise and engineering knowledge

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.