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27. September 2023

Living Lab visits COSMO Wissenschaftsforum

Living Lab visits COSMO Wissenschaftsforum
Living Lab

On 27.09.2023, the Living Lab team members from Leipzig University and TUD Dresden University of Technology met up in Dresden. At this Get Together, we established first ideas for a new guideline concept for the creation of demonstrators and had a look through the Explaining Artificial Intelligence exhibition at COSMO Wissenschaftsforum.

Get Together and Visit of COSMO Wissenschaftsforum

On Wednesday morning, all Living Lab team members met up in Dresden. After a short welcome, we worked on a new guideline concept on the construction of future demonstrators. By keeping our visitors in mind, we want to make our demonstrators more interesting and graspable to the public. Also, we want to make the creation process more feasible and guided for our researchers. Accessibility was further identified as a main concern in this process.

After having lunch together, our team made their way to COSMO Wissenschaftsforum. There, we had a look at the exhibition Explaining Artificial Intelligence. It was the first visit for our colleagues from Leipzig, as well as for a few colleagues from Dresden. At COSMO Wissenschaftsforum, Dr. Tiphaine Cattiau explained in detail the concept behind the exhibition. Not only are we very thankful for this wonderful introduction, we were also glad to receive positive feedback on our demonstrators from the visitors of the exhibition.

After work, the Living Lab team ended the day with black light mini golf in Dresden.

Photo. Our team members playing minigolf in Dresden.

Living Lab

The Living Lab approaches our main research topics of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Data Science in a diverse and vibrant way. Our team has created an interesting experiment space for our visitors at both locations. Our highly user-centered labs are designed to share current and topical research approaches and results of our center with the public. You can read more about the Living Lab here.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.