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29. June 2023

ScaDS.AI at OUTPUT.DD 2023

ScaDS.AI at OUTPUT.DD 2023

On 29.06.2023, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig took part in OUTPUT.DD 2023. This year, our center has participated for the first time with the Living Lab in Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau at TU Dresden. It was a great pleasure to welcome many visitors and introduce them to a variety of current research projects and demonstrators, including:

  • asanAI: asanAI enables our visitors to develop an AI without having to write a single line of code. With this application, models can be created and trained in the browser without the need for installation on a local computer.
  • FloodVis: FloodVis uses virtual reality (VR) to realistically portray the impact of climate change using historical data collected from Bennewitz, Saxony. Using a VR headset and FloodVis, our visitors were able to navigate through time and different simulation models to inspect the progression of flooded zones.
  • Multicut-Game: Multicut is a method for image segmentation. The Segmentation of an image corresponds to the decompositions of a graph into connected components. A decomposition of a graph is described by those edges that straddle distinct components. Such a set of edges is called a multicut. Finding an optimal multicut is difficult, therefore this task is a perfect challenge for both computers and our visitors.
Impressions of visitors testing out the Living Lab demonstrators at OUTPUT.DD 2023.

Furthermore, we invited our visitors to a rock-paper-scissors match. What’s the special feature, you ask? Of course, an artificial intelligence decided the winner according to the universally known rules:

  • Rock wins against Scissors
  • Paper wins against Rock
  • Scissors wins against Paper

Would you like to try it out yourself? Just visit the Living Lab at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Dresden or other upcoming events. Our team is looking forward to introduce you to their work and answer all of your questions!


Since 17 years, OUTPUT.DD is organized as a big yearly project showcase of the Faculty of Computer Science of TU Dresden, introducing both research projects from scientists and students. The event takes place at Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau (Nöthnitzer Str. 46, 01187 Dresden). Read more about the event on the website of the Faculty of Computer Science.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.