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13. September 2022

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig at the SEMANTiCS 2022 Conference

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig at the SEMANTiCS 2022 Conference

On 13.09.2022, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig researchers participated in the DBpedia Day as part of the SEMANTiCS 2022 Conference in Vienna. Our researchers Daniel Obraczka and Marvin Hofer presented their latest work on Knowledge Graphs.


Obraczka presented his work on fast hubness-reduced nearest-neighbor search for entity alignment in Knowledge Graphs.

Hofer held a presentation on Bootstrapping Knowledge Graphs using DBpedia’s Ecosytem – KG 2.0:

Marvin Hofer at the SEMANTiCS 2022 Conference.

DBpedia Day

The DBpedia day took place as part of SEMANTiCS, an established knowledge hub which brings together technology professionals, industry experts, and researchers to exchange knowledge regarding new technologies, innovations, and enterprise implementations in the fields of Linked Data and Semantic AI. This year’s focus was on Linking and Consumption of Linked Data.

Since 2007, DBpedia has been the hub of the Linked Open Data Cloud, the largest constantly updating knowledge graph on Earth using Linked Data principles. By following the 62 million links published alongside the 6.5 million identifiers of the DBpedia Snapshot, the users could discover and consume more data from the web. Now, 15 years after the first release, DBPedia has developed a way to scale up the identifier base into the billions to support better linking and consumption of linked data. The main topics of the DBpedia day were:

1. Industrial and academic members as well as the wider community were asked to present the latest technology to discover, query, link, curate and consume Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs.

2. The Linkmaster 3000 (the new Open Online Link Curation Platform), the Global LD API, the Databus and the Global LD Browser were introduced.


At SEMANTiCS researchers, industry experts and business leaders can develop a thorough understanding of trends and application scenarios in the fields of Machine Learning, Data Science, Linked Data and Natural Language Processing. Find out more on their official website:

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.