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12. July 2023

Summer University 2023 at TU Dresden

Summer University 2023 at TU Dresden

On 12.07.2023, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig took part in the Summer University at TU Dresden. We hosted a lecture and proposed an excursion to our Living Lab in Dresden. The audience included pupils from classes 7-11, who are interested in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and technology (STEM-subjects).


Dr. Iryna Okhrin offered a lecture with the topic Wie kann ein Computerprogramm Objekte auf einem Bild erkennen?. The lecture covered a range of topics, starting from statistics with some hands-on statistical experiments to build a solid foundation of understanding. As the course progressed, the participants delved into advanced methods for object recognition in images. A particular emphasis lay on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a cutting-edge technology widely used in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Towards the end of the lecture, the participants visited the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig Living Lab and observed various demonstrators. Among them was a demonstrator for online training and testing of CNNs, which sparked insightful discussions among the attendees. The pupils observed the inner workings of this technology, gaining a deeper understanding of its potential applications and its role in advancing the field of computer vision.

Summer University at TU Dresden

The Summer University at TU Dresden provides a unique opportunity for pupils interested in different research fields to immerse themselves in the student life for a week. During this program, the pupils get a firsthand experience of the university by visiting institutes, research facilities, and laboratories. They engage in various activities and have the chance to interact with scientists to gain insights into their ongoing research. Furthermore, they can explore a variety of available programs at the university. We wish all of them good luck and we hope to meet them in the future.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.