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19. March 2024

General Assembly Meeting with Tutorial Session and Visit of the Coordination Committee

General Assembly Meeting with Tutorial Session and Visit of the Coordination Committee

On 18.-19.03.2024, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig organized the first General Assembly Meeting of 2024. More than 170 participants joined the event in Dresden. On the second day, we were happy to also welcome the coordination committee made up of representatives of the federal and state science ministries.

General Assembly Meeting

This time, the General Assembly Meeting was planned as a 2-day-event at the Dorint Hotel in Dresden. While the first day offered a varied program of scientific presentations, networking and breakout sessions as well as a PI session, the program on the second day consisted of various tutorials.

Meeting on 18.03.2024

The General Assembly Meeting started with a warm welcome and introduction by our directors Prof. Wolfgang E. Nagel and Prof. Erhard Rahm. Afterwards, administration directors Dr. Eric Peukert and Dr. René Jäkel updated the participants on project news and the activities of the Transfer and Service Center. Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Roberto Calandra from TUD Dresden University of Technology gave an insight into the Robotics Lab. The introductory session was followed by a short coffee break. Later, there were a variety of scientific talks and PhD talks:

  • Pain Points of Developing AI-Enabled Systems in Industry (Prof. Norbert Siegmund)
  • Hybrid Mixed Reality Interfaces for Immersive Data Analysis (Prof. Raimund Dachselt)
  • Streamlining Data Sharing in Machine Learning with Dataverse (Lincoln Sherpa)
  • Deep Learning for Acute Stroke Care (Marie-Sophie von Braun)
  • Redefining ‘differential signalling’ in models of synaptic dynamics by considering transition states in spiking neurons with homogeneous frequency input spikes (Ferney Beltran Velandia)

Following the lunch break, the team leads of the research and topic areas as well as the members of the Graduate School met in individual breakout sessions. All employees, who did not participate in those breakout sessions, had the opportunity to use the time for networking. From 4:30-7:00 p.m., our principal investigators also met for a PI session to discuss current topics and projects as well as future plans.

Tutorial Session on 19.03.2024

On the second day, we invited our team members to join a tutorial session. Depending on their personal and work interests, each participant was able to chose between two tracks:

Track 1Track 2
Basics of HPC / Data Management: New Filesystems, Workspaces, Data TransferDiscuss Improvements for Data Sharing / Common Services
Software Management: Module System, Virtual Environments / Running Programs: Batch SystemLicensing of Material
Parallel Hands-On Sessions
1: Guided Hands-On
2: Consultancy with your own code/data
3: OmniOpt – Efficient Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization on HPC
Clean Code

Visit of the Coordination Committee

While the tutorial session took place at the Dorint Hotel in Dresden, we also welcomed the coordination committee at TUD Dresden University of Technology. The coordination committee consisted of representatives of the federal and state science ministries:

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.