13. November 2024
Congratulations! Prof. Franz Baader has been awarded with the Ray Reiter Best Paper Award at the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2024) for his joint work with Prof. Renata Wassermann (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) titled Contractions Based on Optimal Repairs.
In their paper, Prof. Franz Baader and Prof. Renata Wassermann leverage advances in characterizing and computing optimal repairs of ontologies based on the description logics EL to obtain contraction operations that combine the advantages of belief set and belief base contractions. The basic idea is to employ, in the partial meet contraction approach, optimal repairs instead of optimal classical repairs as remainders. They introduce this new approach in a very general setting, and prove a characterization theorem that relates the obtained contractions with well-known postulates. Furthermore, they consider several interesting instances, not only in the standard repair/contraction setting where one wants to get rid of a consequence, but also in other settings such as variants of forgetting in propositional and description logic. Prof. Franz Baader and Prof. Renata Wassermann show that classical belief set contraction is an instance of their approach.
Find the full submission here. Further publications by Prof. Franz Baader and other team members of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig are available in our publication list.
The International Conference Series on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) offers a forum to present the theory and principles underlying the representation and computational management of knowledge. KR2024 was held from 02.-08.11.2024 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The scientific program of the conference included:
Learn more about the conference on the official website. An overview of all conference proceedings is available here.