25. April 2022
At our ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig location in Leipzig, a regular, internal pizza seminar has been implemented since March 2022 as a platform for all employees to present their current research and work. In addition to inspiring discussions and an exchange of views beyond one’s own work focus, the seminar provides an overview of topics on which ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig is currently working on. We also want to use such activities to bring the team back together after a long home office phase and strengthen the network within our center and our employees.To make it even more appealing – it’s not only about science: the colloquium is combined with pizza for lunch. #PizzaSeminar
A pizza seminar has been held on the following topics:
Towards Argumentative Explanations via Abstract Argumentation Frameworks by Markus Ulbricht
#Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
#Abstract Argumentation
#Argumentative Explanations
A Computational Model of the Olfactory System based on Spiking Neural Networks with Synaptic Dynamics, energy and information metrics by Ferney Beltran
#Spiking Neural Networks
#Neuromorphic Information Processing
#Neural Manifolds
Hands-on: software development with an example Python project by Matthias Täschner
#Collaborative work on software projects with Git
#Testing and code quality
#CICD process
We’re excited about more topics, presentations and the next Pizza Margherita!