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15. June 2023

Schaufler Lab at TU Dresden visits the Living Lab

Schaufler Lab at TU Dresden visits the Living Lab
Living Lab

On 15.06.2023, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig met up with colleagues from the Schaufler Lab @ TU Dresden. Together, we discussed interdisciplinary topics in the broad field of Artificial Intelligence. One of the goals of the meeting, which took place at Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau of TUD Dresden University of Technology, was to consolidate research collaborations.


Dr. René Jäkel, Administration Director of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, welcomed the participants and gave a short introductionary talk about our center. Afterwards, the participants each had the chance to introduce themselves as well as their projects in a 2-minute presentation. This opened the possibility to define interests and discuss a variety of interdisciplinary topics related to Artificial Intelligence in a short amount of time. Topics, for example, included Natural Language Processing (NLP), Responsible AI, AI in Education as well as Legal Aspects regarding AI. In the breakout sessions that followed, participants addressed three main topic areas:

  • Automated Content Analysis – NLP and Public Sphere
  • Ethics and Individual Interaction with AI
  • AI in Art and Visual Culture
Photo: Colleagues of Schaufler Lab @ TU Dresden getting introduced to our Living Lab demonstrators by Dr. Siavash Ghiasvand.

After those very interesting discussions, we invited our colleagues from Schaufler Lab @ TU Dresden to visit our Living Lab. There, they had the chance to get familiar with our demonstrators and try them out by themselves.

Schaufler Lab @ TU Dresden

The Schaufler Lab @ TU Dresden is a lively forum for a forward-looking dialogue between science, art and society. It has been established by the TUD Dresden University of Technology and THE SCHAUFLER FOUNDATION. In the Schaufler Lab @ TU Dresden, young researchers and artists come together across disciplinary boundaries to question current technologies, their origins, and their impacts on our modern world. You can read more on their website.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.