1. September 2023
From 31.08.2023-03.09.2023, the annual meeting of the international student network takes place. A total of 145 participants take part in the meeting. This includes 119 members who arrived from other parts of Germany as well as France, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. On 01.09.2023, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig was happy to welcome them at the Living Lab at TUD Dresden University of Technology.
At the Living Lab, our team member Lena Jurkschat – who is also one of the organizers of the event – was happy to welcome a dozen participants at Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau. Besides a lot of fun and interesting discussions, our guests were offered a tour through the Living Lab and had the opportunity to try out the demonstrators themselves. Of course, they also received a quick introduction to ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. After this nice visit, the student network left the Living Lab with hopefully great memories and much food for thought. Our team sure did!
Besides visiting the Living Lab, there were also many other interesting program points offered to the student network members. For example, they also had the opportunity to go on a guided tour through the Lehmann Center – the computing center of the University.
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz is a student organization in Dresden. They volunteer to manage the connection of the dormitories to the network of TUD Dresden University of Technology and the internet.
The international student network meets annually in alternating cities. In 2023, Dresden was the location of choice – and 119 external members took the opportunity to come to the capital of Saxony. Since 2018, the annual meeting has been opened to international student networks. Due to the COVID-19-pandemic, the meeting did not take place in the years 2020 to 2022. Therefore, the meeting in Dresden marks the revival of the annual meetings in presence.