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18. August 2023

tryING 2023 with ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and EduInf

tryING 2023 with ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and EduInf

Promotion of young talent is highly important to our center. Therefore, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and EduInf partnered up again and invited high school graduates to their labs. The program was held from 17.-18.08.2023 as part of tryING 2023, organized by TUD Dresden University of Technology.


Together with EduInf, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig invited high school graduates to the workshop Mit Informatik die Welt verstehen – Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz und den 3D-Druck. During the 2-day-workshop, the young women gained first insights into the topics algorithms, programming and machine learning. They learned how to actively work with IT systems and design small projects. Furthermore, they explored how to create their own first graphics, animations and small games using the Python programming language. In the process, the high school graduates learned how AI systems work. With that knowledge, they trained neural networks by themselves with the help of our team. By creating 3D models for the 3D printer and designing a virtual reality, they were also able to use their creativity and imagination.

High school graduates visiting the Living Lab at tryING 2023.

tryING 2023

tryING is a yearly event series, which is organized by TUD Dresden University of Technology. A variety of STEM subjects give female high school graduates the opportunity to have a sneak peak into their study program. This year, the trial studies of engineering sciences, titled tryING 2023, was held from 31. July to 08. September 2023. It was the second time that ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and EduInf offered a joined workshop for tryING. You can find more information about our program for tryING 2022 on our blog.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.