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27. November 2023

Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala visits ScaDS.AI in Dresden

Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala visits ScaDS.AI in Dresden

On 27.11.2023, Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala and his team visited TUD Dresden University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala held a colloquium on Artificial Intelligence and Economic Development. Furthermore, he and his team visited the Lehmann Center (LZR) and the Living Lab of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig in Dresden.

First highlight of the visit was the colloquium by Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala, in which he spoke about Artificial Intelligence and Economic Development. He explained that AI can be used in various sectors, including arts, engineering, medicine and more. In this context, he further highlighted the importance of the ethical usage of AI as well as global standards and regulations for data exchange in science. After the colloquium, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel gave Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala and his team a tour through the Lehmann-Zentrum Data Center of TUD Dresden University of Technology.

Afterwards, there was time for a visit to the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig Living Lab. First, Dr. René Jäke gave a short introduction of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig as an institution, including an overview on our research topics and transfer activities. Then, Dr. Siavash Ghiasvand explained the mission and activities of the Living Lab with a brief summary of our latest demonstrators. This was followed by a presentation of the demonstrator asanAI by Dr. Christoph Lehmann. asanAI is a tool to create small sequential models and train them in any browser. Users can import their own data, including images, webcam data, CSV files, or arbitrary tensor data. The models then can be exported directly to Python code, and HTML code.

Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala

Prof. Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala is Rector of the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN). The UN is an international organization with currently 193 Member States. It allows all the world’s nations to discuss common problems and find shared solutions. Focus topics of the organization include:

  • Human Rights
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Peace and Security
  • International Law
  • Sustainable Development
  • Climate Action
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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.