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Both locations of our research center are each linked to their corresponding local universities: Leipzig University and the TUD Dresden University of Technology. This creates a close connection between our research activities and the education and teaching activities of the center. A multifaceted and high-quality teaching is a matter of great concern to us because it lays the foundation for future in-depth research and high-quality practice. Therefore, we try to offer our students a space for science and research at an early stage by offering, for example, internships or thesis supervision in addition to lectures and seminars. On the following sub-pages, you can learn more about our teaching activities.

Final Theses and work as student assistant

Interested students can apply to write their final thesis at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig with our scientist’s supervision. Possible topics for final theses include:

  • natural language processing (NLP)
  • performance optimization
  • hyperparameter optimization
  • concept drift
  • genomic data science
  • interpretable machine learning and
  • synthetic data.

An overview of current as well as already worked on topics can be found on our thesis subpage. We also welcome unsolicited applications for final theses regarding our research topics. If you are interested to write your final thesis at our center, please send an e-mail to

You are an enrolled student who would like to start your career in the interesting field of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Big Data? Join our team as a student assistant (SHK/WHK)!

Master’s Programs

At TU Dresden and Leipzig University, two master’s programs are offered in cooperation with ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig:

  • Data Science (Leipzig University)
  • Computational Modeling and Simulation (TUD Dresden University of Technology)

Lecture Series in higher education

Related to the master’s programs, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig has hosted two inter-university lecture series in the last years:

  • Lecture Series 2020
  • Lecture Series 2017

Graduate School

To support young scientists, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig has established a Graduate School in both Dresden and Leipzig. The main purpose of the Graduate School is to provide ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig team members with a general framework for a well-structured PhD phase. This includes:

  • An excellent supervision strategy that provides a point of contact for all questions that arise during the PhD period,
  • a collaborative and familiar research environment that supports synergies among the doctoral students, and
  • a wide range of qualification opportunities on both scientific and technical levels.

Summer Schools

A part of the education program of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig are the international summer schools, which take place once a year. Those summer schools on current Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning topics bring together a broad and international audience as well as internationally renowned speakers.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.