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COSMO Science Forum

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig cooperates with COSMO Science Forum. The COSMO Science Forum defines itself as a meeting place for society and research. Located at Kulturpalast, a variety of research projects from Dresden are displayed in interactive exhibitions and different event formats. Admission is free of charge. You can learn more about it on the official website. You can visit COSMO Science Forum at the following location: 

Innere Altstadt
Schloßstraße 2
01067 Dresden


  • 28.01.2025: Talk: AI, Language Models, and Cancer Research: How do they interlink?
  • 19.01.2023: Entdecken Sie den Klimawandel in VR (Virtual Reality)
  • 10.11.2023: Talk: Wie wandern Gletscher? Umweltseismologie und Machine Learning
  • 06.11.2023: Introduction: Hinter den Kulissen der Bilderkennung
  • 11.10.2023: Hackathon: Small AI – Big Opportunities
  • 10.10.2023: Workshop: Künstliche Intelligenz zum Anfassen
  • 26.09.2023: Workshop: ChatGPT einfach erklärt – Erste Schritte eines KI-Trainings für Zuhause
  • 26.09.2023: Gesprächsformat 101 Fragen: Wie lernen Maschinen?
  • 26.09.2023: Workshop: KI in der Sekundarstufe I: Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte und Unterrichtsmaterialien
  • 19.09.2023: Gesprächsformat 101 Fragen: Wie lernen Maschinen?
  • 12.09.2023: Gesprächsformat 101 Fragen: Wie lernen Maschinen?
  • 05.09.2023: Gesprächsformat 101 Fragen: Wie lernen Maschinen?

On-Demand Workshops

In collaboration with COSMO Science Forum, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig offers a series of on-demand workshops designed to demystify Artificial Intelligence and empower you to create your own AI-powered tools. These hands-on sessions will explore various applications of Artificial Intelligence in everyday life, from browser-based machine learning to healthcare innovations. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience with AI, these workshops will provide valuable insights and practical skills. Learn more about our on-demand workshops.

Exhibition Künstliche Intelligenz erklärt

From 08.09.2023 until 25.01.2024, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig participated in the exhibition Künstliche Intelligenz erklärt at Kulturpalast. We exhibited three of our Living Lab demonstrators:

  • FloodVis: FloodVis uses virtual reality (VR) to realistically portray the impact of climate change using historical data collected from Bennewitz, Saxony. Using a VR headset and FloodVis, visitors are able to navigate through time and different simulation models to inspect the progression of flooded zones.
  • asanAI: asanAI enables visitors to develop an AI without having to write a single line of code. With this application, models can be created and trained in the browser without the need for installation on a local computer.
  • Multicut: Multicut is a method for image segmentation. The Segmentation of an image corresponds to the decompositions of a graph into connected components. A decomposition of a graph is described by those edges that straddle distinct components. Such a set of edges is called a multicut. Finding an optimal multicut is difficult, therefore this task is a perfect challenge for both computers and visitors of the exhibition.

Visitors were able to try out the demonstrators themselves while the exhibition was open. Furthermore, our researchers were offering a number of introduction sessions for each demonstrator. Download the flyer of the exhibition here.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.