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Prof. Wolfgang E. Nagel

Convergence of Big Compute and Big Data – how HPC can contribute to Data Analytics

The efficient and intelligent handling of large, often distributed and heterogeneous data sets increasingly determines the scientific and economic competitiveness in most application areas. Mobile applications, social networks, multimedia collections, sensor networks, data intense scientific experiments,  and complex simulations generate nowadays a data deluge. Nevertheless, processing and analyzing these data sets with innovative methods open up various new opportunities for its exploitation and new insights. The resulting resource requirements exceed the possibilities of state-of-the-art methods for the acquisition, integration, analysis, and visualization of data. In recent years, many promising approaches have been developed and are available as community frameworks in the big data area to process large sets of data, which become increasingly interesting to be evaluated by domain scientists, spanning from specialized implementations using deep learning approaches to the processing and analysis of large scale stream-based sensor data. Nowadays, sophisticated and specialized hardware options are available in the high performance computing area to provide architectures adjusted to the needs of different analytics workloads.The talk will address the provisioning of a flexible high performance computing architecture for data-intensive and large-scale computing tasks, since only with efficient access to fast storage capabilities the overall analytics performance can be achieved. High performance computing (HPC) can offer nowadays flexible infrastructures to fulfill a wide range of requirements from data scientists and machine learning experts.


Wolfgang E. Nagel holds the chair for computer architecture at TU Dresden and is director of the Center for Information Services and HPC (ZIH). His research covers programming concepts and software tools to support the development of scalable and data intensive applications, analysis of computer architectures, and development of efficient parallel algorithms and methods. Prof. Nagel is chairman of the Gauß-Allianz e.V. and member of the international Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing (BDEC) project. He is leading the Big Data competence center “ScaDS – Competence Center for Scalable Data Services and Solutions Dresden/Leipzig”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.