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Dr. Anika Groß

NoSQL – Datastores for Big Data

Modern web-scale and big data applications require efficient solutions to process huge amounts of possibly unstructured data. Many NoSQL stores allow a schema-free data storage, easy replication mechanisms and horizontal scalability. According to the CAP theorem, distributed systems can guarantee consistency (C) or availability (A) while preserving partition tolerance (P) in case of network failures. The talk will give an introduction to different data models and technical models for NoSQL datastores, focusing on two prominent systems: the AP system and key-value store Dynamo as well as the CP system and document store MongoDB.


Anika Gross is a Postdoc at the Database Group at the Institute of Computer Science at Leipzig University. She studied bioinformatics at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and received her PhD in computer science at Leipzig University. Her research interests include large scale data integration, in particular the mapping and evolution of ontologies and annotated data sets in the biomedical domain. At her institute she gives lectures on current topics such as data integration, NoSQL databases, cloud data management and bio data management.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.