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Martin Junghanns

Graph Analytics with Gradoop

Gradoop is designed around the so-called Extended Property Graph Model (EPGM) supporting heterogeneous, schema-free graph data. In this model, a database consists of multiple property graphs which we call logical graphs. The EPGM provides analytical operators for both single graphs as well as collections of graphs. Operators may also return single graphs or graph collections thus enabling the definition of analytical programs. Additionally, Gradoop integrates Flink Gelly which enables the application of arbitrary graph algorithms on an EPGM database.


Martin Junghanns studied Computer Science at the Leipzig University (MSc 2014). While working for the NoSQL database vendor sones GmbH (2009-2011) and SAP (2013-2014) he gained in-depth knowledge about database systems, software development and graph data management. Since 2014, Junghanns is working as a researcher in the field of distributed graph analytics and management at Leipzig University Database Research Group. He is an active contributor in Big Data related Open Source projects.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.