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Mission and Practice

The Living Lab appears as a multi-faceted venue, exhibition space, teaching and education center, and laboratory. It is a vehicle for communication, discovery, development, and evaluation of our research for the public. In this context, our mission is to establish an experience for our visitors, which includes four main components: experiment, evolvement, exploration and evaluation. Our mission and practice applies to both Living Lab locations: TUD Dresden University of Technology and Leipzig University.


Through independent and guided engagement with our demonstrators in the exhibition space, our center’s research on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is made vivid, tangible, and therefore understandable by different target groups.

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Emerging developments from the research community are brought together with existing challenges from business and everyday practice. Different perspectives therefore come together to develop innovative scenarios and solutions to these challenges as a team.


We develop new scenarios and requirements for AI in a dialogue with our visitors. The environment of the Living Lab can be a stimulating place of personal development and new encounters, where innovative ideas can unfold and AI can be discovered together.

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We want to evaluate collected data and user feedback in order to incorporate it into making relevant changes. By engaging in dialogue with our visitors, the Living Lab can grow and flourish as an important place for everyone.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.