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Machine Learning for Beginners

Title: Machine Learning for Beginners
Next Session: will be announced soon
Target Group: Anyone regularly working with data, some programming experience in Python and an interest in the application of Machine Learning.
Number of participants: 15
Language: German
Format: Tutorial, hybrid

Machine Learning can be used to identify underlying relationships in data – „the algorithm learns from the data“. These relationships can be used to make predictions. In the training “Machine Learning for Beginners”, the basic procedure of Machine Learning is explained using the example of a linear regression. In particular getting an overview of the data, selecting suitable features and feeding the data into the algorithm in order to be able to make predictions.


  • Motivation and theoretical basics on Machine Learning and trainings goals (10%)
  • Interactive hands-on tutorial covering insights on the data, feature selection and applying a linear regression model (90%)


The following documents (slides, sample applications) will be provided to the participants: 

  • PDF of the slides
  • CSV file with business data used for the analysis
  • Jupyter Notebooks with tasks and solutions


  • Basic knowledge of Python in version 3.x
  • Basic knowledge on how to use Jupyter Notebooks
  • Basic knowledge of the Python packages NumPy and Pandas recommended
  • Laptop with internet access – equipment can be provided on site if required (please enquire as numbers are limited)

Learning Outcomes

After the training, participants will have basic knowledge of Machine Learning approaches and be able to use a regression model to predict values.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.