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12. October 2020

Make science come alive!

Make science come alive!

Make science come alive: Under the heading How will we live in the future?, DRESDEN-concept presents current cooperative research projects and innovations in the research fields of digitalization, living, climate & water, mobility, material and cultural heritage. Climate change, demographic change, pandemics and megacities are just some of the major challenges facing our society. Scientists around the world are working to develop innovative solutions. The numerous research institutions in Dresden, including our competence center for AI and Big Data research ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, make an important contribution to this with their excellent research.

Make Science come alive: Impressions from the exhibition "How will we live in the future?" by DRESDEN-concept

Our Participation in the exhibition

The joint exhibition is committed to make science come alive by being visible and tangible for the public. Furthermore, the ehibition aims to transfer results from science into society. The alliance shows the public the importance and strength of cooperative research.

Make Science come alive: Impressions from the exhibition "How will we live in the future?" by DRESDEN-concept
Make Science come alive: Impressions from the exhibition "How will we live in the future?" by DRESDEN-concept

Under the umbrella of DRESDEN-concept, an alliance of 32 Dresden research and cultural institutions, scientists work on common topics across institute and subject boundaries. We are happy to be part of this great alliance! You can visit this exhibition in front of the Kulturpalast Dresden. To find out more about our upcoming events and participation in external events, don’t forget to check out our event calendar.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.