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9. September 2024

Finnish Reflections: Anton Gasse Shares His Experiences at Aalto University

Finnish Reflections: Anton Gasse Shares His Experiences at Aalto University
ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig

Aalto University (Espoo/Helsinki) has been an important European institution in HCI research for several years. This summer Anton Gasse, student assistant at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, had the opportunity to participate in an internship there. Since August 5th , he is living in the south of Finland and doing research under the supervision of Prof. Antti Oulasvirta at the School of Electrical Engineering of Aalto University. Here he tells us a little bit about his experiences in Finland so far.

Anton Gasse at Aalto University

Image of the Computer Science Building at Aalto University, School of Science and Technology. A Brick Building witha modern metal coated extension.
Main Entrance of the Computer Science Building at Aalto University, School of Science and Technology (Photo: Anton Gasse).

My recent internship at Aalto University in Finland, within the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) laboratory, was a greatly enriching experience that helped me understand more about both the academic and practical sides of this field. Here I had the chance to work with Professor Antti Oulasvirta and under his supervision, I was able to make a lot of headway on my project.

Researching HCI

The research group has a great international vibe, and the team welcomed me with open arms from the start. Because the lab specializes in HCI, they conduct user studies to develop and test new technologies in a human-centered manner. I took part in a few pilot studies, which gave me a great insight into this area of research.

My specific work is focused on investigating attention management systems (AMS) and how they improve human situational awareness. This research builds on the work of Martin Lorenz and Patrick Ebel from the CIAO Research Group at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. Right now, I’m using eye-tracking tech to test out different AMS and see how people react to them. To make this easier, I’ve created an application in which participants perform a specific task while receiving assistance from an AMS that we can modify and adapt. This technology could be used in the future, for example, in autonomous driving to help drivers stay more aware of what’s going on around them.

Studying at Aalto University and Living in Finland

Image of the Student Researchers of Prof. Oulasvirtas group.
Student Researchers at Aalto University (Anton Gasse: in the back, second from the right) (Photo: Aalto University).

The university campus is huge, with plenty of different faculties and over ten smaller but cozy cafeterias, where you can grab lunch. It’s worth noting that every restaurant in Finland offers free water with your meal. Last week, the university kicked off its orientation week for first-year students, which brought many people to campus. Many students wore “Haalarit”-overalls representing their respective faculty. The overalls are a way for each student to show not only a sense of belonging to their university and faculty, but also their personality, interests, hobbies, and areas of academic and professional affiliation. They do that by collecting and sewing different patches onto their “Haalarit”, over the course of the semester. Graduate students also wear a distinctive student cap called a “ylioppilaslakki.”

There are many ways to stay active on campus. I ride my bike to work every day. I have found the city bike program to be the best and most cost-effective way to get around. The calisthenics area and the outdoor gym are also two places I frequent. They have a great selection of fitness machines, and the best part is that they’re free to use. I’ve also had some great dinners with colleagues from the research group at various restaurants. Helsinki is a fantastic city, too. I was really impressed by the parks, green spaces, and water features that are integrated into the city when I visited. On the day I was there, some street performers were playing downtown, and people around them were dancing. It really gave the whole city a lively and cheerful vibe.

Summing up and looking back

Overall, my internship at Aalto University was a fantastic learning experience. It was a great chance for me to deepen my knowledge of human-computer interaction through hands-on research and working with a diverse and talented team. It’s also been great to get a taste of both the academic and cultural sides of life in Finland. All in all, it’s given me some new insights into my field of study. As my internship comes to a close, I’m taking away some new skills, great contacts, and fresh ideas about the future of HCI.

Anton Gasse is staying at Aalto University until September 13th. Here you can see some of the photos he shared from his time in Finland.

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