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Associated Members

The status of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig Associated Member can be awarded to post-doctoral scientists and professors with a strong research expertise in data science, artificial intelligence (AI) and their applications. Prospective Associated Members should be:

  • internationally recognized in these research areas,
  • have a high interest in collaborating with ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, and
  • be willing to contribute their research to ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig.

Rights and Duties

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig supports Associated Members in networking and developing joint projects. The status allows participation in internal general meetings, lectures, and conferences of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. In addition, the status enables the scientist to be mentioned and presented on the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig website, for which the scientist has to provide appropriate content. However, the status does not usually entail financial support.

Associated Members commit themselves to support ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and to name their ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig co-affiliation in publications related to AI or data science. Corresponding publications of Associated Members will be listed on the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig website.


To become a ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig Associated Member, an informal application is required. The application should include a cover letter, CV, list of publications, a research concept (about one page) describing the research focus and outlining the collaborative interests within ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig, and a letter of support from at least one ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig PI. Applications should be directed to one of the directors of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig.

Selected candidates will be invited to give a ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig public lecture followed by an interview with the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig Management Board. Associated Members are admitted by the decision of the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig Board. The membership is valid for 3 years and can be renewed after a new application.

Associated Members of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.