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AI-based coaching of women in STEM subjects to improve academic success (KI-FEM)

Our goal is to improve the motivation and academic success of women in STEM fields through AI-based coaching. The low percentage of women and high dropout rates indicate an urgent need for action. Our solution is an AI coach serving as a personal assistant, independent of an e-learning platform and specific subject areas. The AI coach supports female students in developing their individual competencies, reflecting on their own learning models, and creating personalized learning strategies.

Aspects a chatbot could address

  • Foster individual competence development and potentials
  • Support self-directed and personalized learning
  • Reflect on self-assessment and learning models
  • Maintain or even increase personal motivation for the chosen field of study

Our target group is women in STEM fields studying at TUD Dresden University of Technology, regardless of their semester, both as the target group and participants in the development. Involving the target group in the process ensures precise adaptation to their needs. With students, for students!

Project Components

Structure and Process of our Project

Context Analysis – Interviews and Diary Study

How Do Female Students Learn? With What? When? Where?

To find the right approach and understand the needs, we start with a context analysis. We use methods from the Design Thinking Toolbox, beginning with a series of interviews and concluding with a diary study.

We are looking for women in STEM fields who can give us insights into their study habits.

Would you like to support us? Then feel free to contact us at

Development of the AI Coach

How Do Female Students Learn? With What? When? Where?

To find the right approach and understand the needs, we start with a context analysis. We use methods from the Design Thinking Toolbox, beginning with a series of interviews and concluding with a diary study.

We are looking for women in STEM fields who can give us insights into their study habits.

Would you like to support us? Then feel free to contact us at

Formative and Summative Evaluation

Targeted and User-Oriented – That’s Our Main Focus!

We will discuss initial concepts of the chatbot with the target groups and evaluate many further development steps.

An AI-based tool becomes more targeted and precise through interaction and prompts. In multiple evaluation rounds, users will interact with the chatbot and the results will be assessed. After a feedback loop, the chatbot will be adjusted and enter the next cycle, allowing the functions to be tested by the target group.

We rely on your feedback. Interested in participating and testing the chatbot? Contact us at

Important Documents for Participants

Any questions, comments, or suggestions?

Feel free to contact us!


In the future, you will find current insights and the project’s status here.


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TU Dresden Logo

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig

  • Dr.-Ing. Claudia Loitsch (Overall coordination)
  • Chrakhan Barzanji (Project member)
  • Niclas Rosteck (Project member)

Service Center Studium (SCS)

  • Nicole Strauß (Head of SCS)
  • Annika Lau (Project member)

Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, TUD Dresden University of Technology

  • Sebastian Rottmann (Project member)
funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.