10. January 2022
On January 10th, the closed network meeting of the research organizations for Artificial Intelligence funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) took place. The participating institutions of the All-Hands-Meeting 2022 included:
The event was structured around a combination of keynote speeches, in which the individual research centers were presented by their directors with their plans and projects for the future. Furthermore, there were poster sessions by the participating institutions scientists. In addition to the research centers, the following groups and institutions were involved in the poster sessions:
These presentations gave participants a nice opportunity to connect with each other and discuss potential future joint collaborations with its partly playful implementation via Gathertown. There, participants moved via avatars into a small 2-D conference world and were able to participate virtually in poster presentations, networking discussions, get-to-know-you activities and even games. In this manner, the personal aspect of the event came into focus alongside the professional networking of the researchers.
Thanks to the colleagues from Munich for hosting and organizing the All-Hands-Meeting 2022!