After the lively discussions in the previous colloquia, we look forward to continuing this journey together with you and Dr. Sandra Buchmüller, visiting scholar for feminist technology research at TU Dresden. As part of the event series Reshape Reality – Questioning Claims of Neutrality for Inclusive TechnoFutures, current works from the fields of feminist science and technology studies, critical design research and gender and queer studies will be read and discussed. Special attention will again be devoted to a selection of fundamental works that have shaped discussions and changed perspectives in the past.
The detailed overview lecture on Haraway’s life and work given by the speaker Felix Grewe at the last colloquium left many questions open. We are therefore delighted to have him on board to continue our exciting discussion. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend, including those who were not present in March.
In order to find a good starting point for the discussion and to pick up where we left off, we will read Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium FemaleMan_Meets_OncoMouse Feminism and Technoscience; by Donna J. Haraway and Thyrza Goodeve together for this meeting, in particular the introduction and the first chapter. The book is available in the university library. A copy can also be borrowed from us on request. We highly recommend reading ‘The Promises of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriate/d Others’ from the anthology ‘Cybersexualities: A Reader in Feminist Theory, Cyborgs and Cyberspace’.
Location: WEB Weberplatz West, Weberplatz 5 / Room 141, First floor, 01069 Dresden, Germany
We are looking forward to an especially exciting input lecture by Felix Grewe. He is a research assistant at the Institute for Human Sciences – Philosophy in the research areas of Professor Ruth E. Hagengruber: Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists EcoTechGender. The working title of his dissertation is Donna Haraway: On the re-definition of boundaries of sex, gender and biomechanical species. During the event, he will give an insight into his research and discuss it with us.
The text for this week is Donna Haraway’s Cyborgs to Companion Species: Reconfiguring Kinship in Technoscience, available in the university library. A copy of the reader can be borrowed from us on request. For more in-depth study of the topic, we recommend Donna Haraway: Technoscience, New World Order and Trickster Stories for Living Worlds’ by Jutta Weber from the book Schlüsselwerke der Science & Technology Studies.
Location: Merkel-Bau, Helmholtzstraße 14, Room 118, First floor, 01069 Dresden, Germany
As in previous meetings, we see the colloquium Reshape Reality – Questioning Claims of Neutrality for Inclusive TechnoFutures as an open reading and discussion format in which everyone can participate in terms of time, place and content as they see fit. We expressly welcome suggestions for articles and authors. The events will be held in German until further notice. If you wish to discuss certain topics or texts in English, please contact us in person or by e-mail.
Please register, stating whether participation is analogue or digital, to: We will gladly provide you with the link to the digital room.