Wir laden Sie herzlich zu einem sehr spannenden Vortrag von Herrn Jan Aerts von der KU Leuven im Rahmen unseres ScaDS-Kolloquiums ein.
Ritterstrasse 9-13, 2.OG
With datasets becoming more and more complex, generic representations often cannot convey the richness hidden inside them anymore which can result in patterns being missed and insights that stay just across the horizon. This talk will highlight the reasons why we need advanced data visualization, illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of visualization, and explore ways of thinking systematically about the topic.
Short biography of Jan Aerts:
Jan Aerts is on the organizing committees of BioVis and Beyond The Genome, and has chaired visualization-related sessions at conferences including VIZBI, the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference BOSC and EuroVis/VMLS. He is also Associate Editor for the BioMedCentral Thematic Series on Biological Data Visualization, and academic editor for PLoS One. He is member of the Young Academy – Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts.