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Relaunch of our AI-in-Business Meetup format! The ScaDS.AI Living Lab and the AI-Manufacture cordially invite you to our after-work event. With an international research team and interdisciplinary projects in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Science, we open the doors of our center. We aim to provide a dynamic exchange platform for local and regional stakeholders and offer fascinating insights into our cutting-edge research. Therefore we invite companies, researchers, and technology enthusiasts to exchange ideas, network and share their AI success stories in a relaxed atmosphere. Take the opportunity to discover new perspectives, have inspiring conversations and explore potential collaborations. Join us for exciting presentations, interactive demos and the chance to become part of a growing community that is actively shaping the future of AI.

Upcoming Events

What is actually behind document processing? In our next Meetup, we will delve into the world of documents, shedding light on the challenges and difficulties faced. From the diversity of data to approaches to solutions – we will show you what options there are for approaching the topic and look at some examples. We also take a look at the opportunities offered by chatbots and the contribution that methods such as RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) can make now and in the future. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, we will provide exciting insights and tips!

You can look forward to exciting presentations, interactive demos and the chance to become part of a growing community that is actively shaping the future of AI:


  1. Presentation by KI-Manufaktur:
    KI-Manufaktur introduces itself as a partner for small and medium-sized companies and commissioned work and provides an overview of the field of document processing.
  2. Company presentation:
    A company from the document processing field will give you further practical insights and illuminate an additional perspective from the company’s point of view.
    This time we welcome codecentric with their talk “LLM gut, alles gut?”.
    Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) already supports companies with classic AI models for automatic document processing. With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs), the question is whether classic ML models are now becoming obsolete and will the GPT models of this world take over document processing entirely. In this talk, codecentric will use its product SHERLOQ to demonstrate the diverse range of possible applications of LLMs in document processing and compare their performance with traditional approaches. Find out where LLMs stand out and where traditional methods remain relevant.
  3. AI success story:
    A highlight of our Meetup is the presentation of a regional AI success story. We will show you how significant progress has been achieved through the use of AI in a specific field of application, how this was achieved and what the ultimate benefits are. This time, ExB and Hallog GmbH will be sharing their AI success story with you. A concrete example will show how AI in the transport & logistics sector can give a time and quality advantage in the processing of orders and help to access information from thousands of sites within a very short time.
  4. OpenLab and networking:
    After the presentations, we will open our Living Lab, where you will have the opportunity to share experiences, discuss and make new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Chemnitz and TIQ Solutions GmbH will be showing their own demos on the topic.

Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Chemnitz
AI-based document management

The demonstrator shows how AI can support document management. Using the example of an invoice processing process in a company, it is shown how a letter-invoice is digitized and then classified by AI according to the type of written document, sender or other categories and assigned to the corresponding employee. The solution is also transferable to other business processes, wherever correspondence or documents are generated that need to be classified according to their content and made retrievable.

TIQ Solutions GmbH
AI tool for intelligent document processing “TIQ DokuFlow”

TIQ DokuFlow is an AI-based tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and optical character recognition (OCR) to analyze documents, extract data from them and intelligently automate further processing. By using TIQ DokuFlow, companies can not only significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of their document handling processes, but also relieve their employees of repetitive tasks and allow them to focus on value-adding activities. TIQ Doku Flow thus offers a powerful AI solution to master the challenges of modern document management and drive digital transformation.

ab 16:45Doors Open
17:00 - 17:10Welcome & presentation of ScaDS.AIOliver Welz
17:15 - 17:30Keynote speech by KI ManufakturChristoph Augenstein
17:35 - 17:50Keynote speech by codecentric with the title:
"LLM gut, alles gut?"
A benchmark comparison between classical ML methods in intelligent document processing and Large Language Models shown on codecentrics SHERLOQ
David Lojewski - PO & Product Coach
17:55 - 18:10AI success story:
ExB & Hallog on "AI in logistics - how Hallog benefits from intelligent document processing"
Matthias Schenk - Business Development Manager

Wolfgang Groß - Branch manager of Hallog GmbH
from 18:15OpenLab:
- demo showcases
- time for dialogue, discussions and networking
Demo Contributions by:
Martin Folz (Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Chemnitz)
"AI-based document management"

TIQ Solutions GmbH
"AI tool for automated and intelligent document processing TIQ DokuFlow"
19:00Farewell & Announcement of the next MeetupOliver Welz

The Meetup at a glance

  • There is one central topic per Meetup, for example ChatBots, Generative AI, AI in Business, IT Security, Medicine, Assistance Systems, Logistics, Mobility, Ethics & Ai, AI and a self-determined life in old age or Privacy
  • Venue: ScaDS.AI Living Lab in Leipzig (Humboldtstraße 25, 3rd floor, 04105 Leipzig)
  • 2-3 presentations, 15 minutes each, plus a 5-minute Q&A session
  • Time for dialogue, networking, and individual questions
  • OpenLab: take a look around our Living Lab and gain insights into research at ScaDS.AI
  • The event will be held in German
  • With the support of IHK zu Leipzig
Time for dialogue, networking, and individual questions at the Meetup

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.