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14. June 2022

ScaDS.AI at the Franco-German Workshop on AI

ScaDS.AI at the Franco-German Workshop on AI

On 14.06.2022, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig took part in the Franco-German Workshop on AI. The event took place at the headquarters of the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria) in Le Chesnay-Rocquencourt, France.


After a welcoming session by Dr. Stéphane Canu (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche) and Dr. Andrea Seifert (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) as well as Dr. Bruno Sportisse (Inria) and Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik (ML2R), Dr. Michèle Sebag (CNRS) and Prof. Dr. Barbara Hammer (CITEC Bielefeld University) presented their keynotes on ‘Learning to Learn’ and ‘AI going wrong and what to do about it’. Afterwards, the directors of the french AI centers and the german AI centers held joint presentations. Later at the Franco-German Workshop on AI, our researchers each joined one of six workshops regarding the following topics:

  • Computer Vision
  • Foundations of Machine Learning
  • Hybrid Machine Learning, Knowledge and Data
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Giga-Models
  • Ressource-aware Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
  • Trustworthy and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Our team members were proud to present their research to other AI centers during the AI center presentation round and find opportunities for collaboration in both Germany and France. In addition, researchers from ScaDS.AI presented their current, innovative projects in each of the mentioned workshop sessions.

Besides our center’s director, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel, and administration directors, Dr. René Jäkel and Dr. Eric Peukert, our researchers Charlotte Beylier, Dr. Hermann Diebel-Fischer, Neringa Jurenaite, Andrei Politov, Mariia Tkachenko and Dr. Sunna Torge took part in the event. Scientific discussion with fellow researchers during the Welcoming Cocktail Party and the discussion rounds has fostered many new contacts and ideas for future collaborative research.

The Franco-German Research and Innovation Network on AI

ScaDS.AI is part of the Network of National Centers of Excellence for AI Research. Other than our center, five leading research institutions in Germany belong to this internationally renowned network for AI research: BIFOLD, DFKI, MCML, ML2R and TUE.AI Center. As a network, we cooperate with the French national artificial intelligence research programme. Together, we aim to exchange ideas and strengthen the common AI ecosystem internationally.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.