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12. December 2022

General Assembly Meeting of ScaDS.AI in Leipzig

General Assembly Meeting of ScaDS.AI in Leipzig

On December 12th 2022, the whole team of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig came together for the first General Assembly Meeting after the center has been established as a permanent research facility in July. This time, the meeting was organized by the colleagues from Leipzig University.

Impressions from the General Assembly Meeting of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig in December 2022

Program of the General Assembly Meeting

At the General Assembly Meeting, many topics regarding our center’s past, present and future were discussed. After a warm welcome by our ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig directors Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel, presentations regarding overarching topics were held, such as:

  • News from Dresden and Leipzig
  • Transfer and Service Center
  • Public Relations
  • Graduate School
  • Konrad Zuse School SECAI

Afterwards, some of the research groups of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig presented their current work on a variety of topics, including:

  • Applied AI
  • Organization of HEIs at the transition between pedagogical roles and AI
  • Understanding language and responsible AI
  • AI in biodiversity & earth system science
  • NeuroAI
  • The ScaDS.AI – UFZ cluster
  • Applied AI in molecular diagnostics
  • Machine learning for compilers and compilers for machine learning
  • Low-power machine learning
  • Distributed analytics in medical data science

During a breakout session in the afternoon, the team members were able to form smaller groups to intensify the discussion on relevant topics. All in all, the General Assembly Meeting offered a wonderful platform to get to know new colleagues from both locations, listen to fascinating talks and form new connections for future research. We thank all attending colleagues for making this event insightful, interesting and really communicative.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.