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4. November 2022

Earth & Environmental Sciences: Topic Area Kick-Off Meeting

Earth & Environmental Sciences: Topic Area Kick-Off Meeting

On Friday, 04.11.2022, ScaDS.AI Leipzig invited to a Kick-off Meeting about Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES). PI’s of the topic area, PhD students, our ScaDS.AI team for EES and other interested local Earth Scientists took part in the event and shared their knowledge.

Additionally to the elevator pitches with presentations about Machine Learning and Big Data applications in Earth Sciences, the participants could explore the Living Lab and got to know each other and their work better. Finally, the event ended by having a get-together with a vegetarian Pizza Buffet.

Photo. Maximilian Söchting presents #Lexcube at the Kickoff of the topic area Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Maximilian Söchting presents #Lexcube (live demo

Topics of the Earth & Environmental Sciences meeting

  • Earth System Data Cubes
  • Extreme Events
  • Plant Trait and Species Detection
  • Environmental Seismology/Cryoseismology
  • Microphysics, dynamics, and radiative impact of clouds

Besides the Kick-off-Meeting for our topic area, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig celebrated another big Kick-off event in 2022. Since July 1st, our center has been established as a permanent research facility with institutional funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Free State of Saxony. We celebrated the Kick-off for the institutional funding of our center on September 5th. Interested? Read more about our Kick-Off event and the opening of our Living Lab in Dresden!

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.