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5. October 2023

Living Lab Tour at the Freshman Week 2023

Living Lab Tour at the Freshman Week 2023
Living Lab

On 05.10.2023, the Living Lab opened its doors for visitors participating in the Freshman Week (ESE) of the Faculty of Computer Science of TUD Dresden University of Technology.

Living Lab Tour

At the Living Lab, our team gave the freshmen a quick introduction to ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. Afterwards, the freshers had the opportunity to try out our demonstrators during a tour:

  • MultiCut, which provides insights into how a computer is able to distinguish between objects as well as foreground and background in an image.
  • VR-FloodVis, where the freshers were able to immerse themselves into the effects of climate change on the local areas.

We also discussed programming-free tools to train a neural network, specifically our demo asan.AI. You can try out asanAI yourself from home here. We always welcome curious students who want to try our our demos, attend our events, hackathons and trainings or are looking for a student job or project.

Freshman Week at the Faculty of Computer Science

At the beginning of the semester, the Computer Science Student Council organizes the Freshman Week. A whole week of program is planned to make the freshers familiar with the campus and the faculty. Tours, games, tutorials and many other highlights were organized during the Freshman Week. Find out more about the program on the official event website.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.