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20. October 2017

ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig and ZIH at Supercomputing 2017


This year, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis will take place from 12.-17. November 2017. You can visit thein Denver (Colorado, USA). Supercomputing 2017 is the biggest and most important get-together in the area of High Performance Computing (HPC). The conference and convention gives a detailed overview about latest achievements in science and technology. Furthermore, it informs about new trends and innovations.

Our program for Supercomputing 2017

The Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) as partner of ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig will present its know-how in HPC and data intensive computing (Big Data) at the conference with:

  • talks,
  • tutorials and
  • discussions.

Furthermore, ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig will present its research highlights at the ZIH conference booth (#1881) alongside other research activities in the fields of:

  • performance analysis,
  • energy efficient computing and
  • data analytics.

Currently, the ZIH plans to extend its existing HPC computing infrastructure. Therefore, it will present its infrastructure concepts (HPC-DA) to bring together concepts from HPC and data analytics. Further research highlights are  online performance analysis and analysis of applications’ I/O behavior. At the ZIH booth, visitors can try out the interactive online analysis prototype Vampir Live and experience new I/O analysis capabilities of Vampir, which is a widely used performance investigation tool for parallel applications. In particular, the I/O behavior of applications is becoming a bottleneck on the way to exascale high-performance computers. Novel I/O systems based on non-volatile memory technologies address this bottleneck. Together with the EU Horizon2020 project NEXTGenIO the I/O analysis capabilities of the tools Score-P and Vampir have been significantly enhanced. More general information can be found at the conference homepage.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.