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7. July 2021

Visit of State Minister Gemkow in Leipzig

Visit of State Minister Gemkow in Leipzig

Invited by the ScaDS.AI, the InfAI and the Leipzig University, the Saxon Minister for Science, Culture and Tourism, Sebastian Gemkow, visited the Logistics Living Lab in Leipzig last Thursday, July 01. The event focused on the exchange of current research results and the transfer in the field of smart logistics. Main focus was on the use and research of digital and data-driven technologies.

Sebastian Gemkow, Saxony’s State Minister for Science, Culture and Tourism, visited Leipzig to inform himself about current research results and transfer in the field of smart logistics

In addition to Prof. Dr. Bogdan Franczyk,  first chairman of InfAI e.V., the prorector for development and transfer of the Leipzig University, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenk, welcomed the minister. After a guided tour through the Logistics Living Lab’s space, joint research topics of different institutions in Leipzig were presented in short impulse keynotes. In his presentation, Andreas Heinecke, the managing director of the InfAI, presented the work of the Institute for Applied Computer Science, with a focus on transfer work.

Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm, who was present in the dual role of scientific coordinator of ScaDS.AI Leipzig/Dresden and as an assessor of the InfAI board, provided information about the broad work of the Leipzig Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence as well as the close cooperation with the InfAI in the area of transfer. Martin Schieck then provided insights into EXPRESS, a project for data-driven networking and digitalization in the area of agriculture. Further, Robert Wehlitz gave a keynote presentation on the SENERGY project (Smart Services for the Energy Industry), while Dr. Jan Bumberger, Scientific Coordinator for Research Data Management and Working Group Leader in Environmental Sensor and Information Systems at the UFZ, gave an overview of the research program of the Leipzig Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research.

In addition to the various exciting insights into Leipzig’s research community, current developments in the field of digitization as well as funding and support opportunities for research in the area of third-party funding and for affiliated institutes were discussed in a relaxed atmosphere. Since the topic transfer plays a key role, it was agreed that a more in-depth exchange with the Minister and other stakeholders from this area should take place. Preparations to this end are already ongoing.

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