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Hackathon Series

The ScaDS.AI Living Lab invites you to take part in our Hackathon Series with a wide range of topics. In those events, you will work together with an interdisciplinary team of other participants to solve interesting problems in the areas of Artifiicial Intelligence, Big Data and Computer Science. Our researchers will support you at the hackathon to maximize the fun and learning experience. You don’t have experience in programming or an academic background in computer science? No problem – our hackathons are designed interdisciplinarily and we are happy to welcome motivated beginners as well! Sounds good? Take a look at our upcoming Hackathons!

Hackathon Series at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig

Hall of Fame

In our Hall of Fame, we present the participants and winning teams of the individual sessions of our hackathon series. We congratulate all of them for successfully completing all tasks related the the respective hackathon they participated in. Thank you all for the wonderful time! 

You are not part of our Hall of Fame yet? Check out our event calendar for upcoming hackathon dates and join our next event installment. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Living Lab! 

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.