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Kick-off mFund project (diGuRal)

On March 28, 2023, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig open its doors of the Living Lab in Leipzig for the official kick-off of the mFund project “Digital Design of Urban Space Leipzig” (diGuRal). Add this event to your calendar (iCal).

To introduce the project, we cordially invite representatives from science, politics, administration, civil society and business to the kick-off on March 28, 2023 from 10:00 to 13:00 at the ScaDS.AI Living Lab, Löhrs Carré 3.OG, Humboldtstr. 25, 04105 Leipzig. Participation is also possible online at

Please register by 14.03.2023 via the following link:

Register here

© Stadtreinigung Leipzig,


In addition to a detailed presentation of the project and three short technical presentations on the topics of urban planning, data security and smart mobility, all participants will have the opportunity to exchange their ideas and opinions with other stakeholders from different industries and sectors.

A detailed program can be viewed here.

About diGuRal

As part of the project, the recording of Leipzig’s road network is being optimized under the coordination of Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH. For this purpose, modern sensor and camera technologies are used on the waste disposal vehicles of Stadtreinigung Leipzig to collect anonymized data on the road condition. Together with the companies Cyface and ccc software GmbH, machine learning models for the recognition and anonymization of image data from road traffic are being further developed at the ScaDS.AI of the University of Leipzig. But that’s not all: the city of Leipzig subsequently processes the innovative data, opening up exciting application possibilities for areas such as transportation and logistics, public administration, construction and infrastructure, and the automotive industry.

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport as part of the mFUND innovation initiative with a total of €1,873,882 and has a term of three years.

About mFUND

The mFUND funding program has been supporting research and development projects around data-based digital innovations for Mobility 4.0 since 2016. In addition, it offers active networking between stakeholders from politics, business, administration and research as well as the provision of open data on the Mobilithek portal.

Further information on diGuRaL and mFUND is available at

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.