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Prof. Erhard Rahm


We give an overview about the research topics in the data science center ScaDS.AI (Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence) Dresden/Leipzig which is one of the centers funded within the German AI strategy.

The topics address foundational AI research, knowledge management and AI applications as well as cross-cutting topics such as scalable and trustworthy AI. A few topics will be outlined in more detail such as data integration for knowledge graphs and privacy-preserving data analysis. 


Erhard Rahm is full professor for databases at the computer science institute of Leipzig University, Germany. His current research focuses on Big Data, graph analytics and data integration. He has authored several books and more than 250 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications. His research has been awarded several times, in particular with the renowned 10-year best-paper award of the conference series VLDB (Very Large Databases) and the Influential Paper Award of the conference series ICDE (Int. Conf. on Data Engineering). Prof. Rahm is codirecting the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence and Big Data ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.