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From Cloud to Edge: Applications of AI from the Perspective of a Chipmaker

At the 9th International Summer School on AI and Big Data, Uwe Gäbler (Infineon) will talk about From Cloud to Edge: Applications of AI from the Perspective of a Chipmaker. The keynote will take place on Thursday, 06.07.2023 from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Keynote: From Cloud to Edge: Applications of AI from the Perspective of a Chipmaker

Artificial intelligence has long since arrived in our everyday lives and is present in many ways, whether visible or invisible. Microelectronics provide the basis for almost all applications, and in combination with powerful software, AI models and connectivity, increasingly attractive solutions are emerging that are changing our lives. In the process, AI is increasingly distributed and computation takes place at the most efficient layer. Semiconductor companies like Infineon are both enablers and users of AI. With their products, they enable AI, and in their manufacturing fabs, they have long used AI for highly automated and efficient production at the highest level. The presentation covers an arc from the role of microelectronics for AI to the Saxon perspective, Silicon Saxony, to concrete applications with AI and their challenges, with a focus on Infineon.

Uwe Gäbler

Uwe Gäbler heads the Infineon Development Center for Automotive Electronics and Artificial Intelligence Dresden. He has more than two decades of management and project experience as well as technical expertise in the semiconductor industry, innovation and applied research. At DC Dresden, chips and systems for automotive, industrial and consumer applications are developed and characterized. A central focus is on solutions for embedded and edge AI, hardware, software and services.

Read more about the 9th International Summer School

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.