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10. March 2023

First General Assembly Meeting in Dresden 2023

First General Assembly Meeting in Dresden 2023

On 10.03.2023, our first General Assembly Meeting in Dresden in the year 2023 took place. At the General Assembly Meeting, all team members from TUD Dresden University of Technology, Leipzig University and other partner institutions got together to talk about achievements, goals and the current research projects of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig.

Impressions of the first General Assembly Meeting in Dresden in 2023

Program of the General Assembly Meeting in Dresden

Following a warm welcome by our center’s directors Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel and Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm, a general overview on news from Dresden and Leipzig as well as the Transfer and Service Center was given by the administration directors Dr. René Jäkel and Dr. Eric Peukert.

Afterwards, our researchers held thematical presentations on the following topics:

  • Machine Learning and Big Data Applications for Multimodal Communication Research (Dr. Peter Uhrig, TUD Dresden University of Technology)
  • AI-based Coaching of Students (Dr.-Ing. Claudia Loitsch, TUD Dresden University of Technology)
  • Modelling the Olfactory System Using Spiking Neural Networks with Synaptic Dynamics to Study Drifting in Electronic Noses (Ferney Beltran Velandia, Leipzig University)
  • Low-power Machine Learning (Prof. Dr. Akash Kumar, TUD Dresden University of Technology)
  • Retrainable Identification of Secondary Structure Conservation Sites in Full Genome Screens (Christopher Klapproth, Leipzig University
  • Using DNA Language Models to Extract the Genetic Code for Stability (Dr. Anna Poetsch, TUD Dresden University of Technology)
  • Incremental Knowledge Graph Construction: Vision and Benchmarking (Marvin Hofer, Leipzig University)
  • Hyperspectral Imaging for Cancer Detection (Mariia Tkachenko, Leipzig University)
  • Towards Resource Efficient Parallel Concept Drift Detection (Elias Werner, TUD Dresden University of Technology)
  • Predicting Evolution with Large Language Models (Moritz Ertelt, Leipzig University)
  • Partial Optimality in Cubic Correlation Clustering (Silvia Di Gregorio, TUD Dresden University of Technology)

In between the talks, three parallel breakout sessions were organized to connect our researchers on the topics of Responsible AI, Scalable Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation.

We thank all speakers and participants for their contribution to the program and networking sessions. Furthermore, we thank the employees of Hotel Pullman Dresden Newa for hosting the first ScaDS.AI General Assembly Meeting in 2023.

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.