25. May 2022
On May 25th 2022, our team members from Dresden and Leipzig got together for the first general meeting on sight after the COVID-19 pandemic. For many of our new team members, this was the first opportunity to get to know all of their colleagues in person. This year’s general meeting of ScaDS.AI took place at the Marriott Hotel in Leipzig.
In the morning, the directors of ScaDS.AI, Prof. Dr. Wolgang E. Nagel and Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm, welcomed all participants by presenting interesting news regarding the past and future developments of the center. Afterwards, the management directors, Dr. René Jäkel and Dr. Eric Peukert gave an overview of the specific projects, the teams at Dresden and Leipzig are currently working on. Then, the responsible departments informed the participants about activities in the areas Transfer and Service, Public Relations and the Living Lab. The rest of the day was filled with scientific presentations of our researchers regarding their work at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig. This way the colleagues informed each other about their current research projects and recent findings.
During the breaks, the team members were able to find out more about the various research areas at our center with an informative poster session and one-on-one discussions with their colleagues. This was a great opportunity to find new collaboration partners and to exchange ideas for upcoming projects.
As part of the general meeting, our new principal investigators have been introduced. Therefore, we would like to welcome at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig:
All in all, it was a warmly received change after many digital meetings, that strenghtened overall scientific as well as personal relations.