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Quantum Emulation on the SpiNNaker 2 neuromorphic supercomputer

Title: Quantum Emulation on the SpiNNaker 2 neuromorphic supercomputer

Project duration: 01.07.2022 – 30.06.2025

Research Area: Methods and Hardware for Neuro-Inspired Computing

In this project we study the methods for the emulation of quantum circuits on the neuromorphic hardware SpiNNaker 2.


The goal of the project is to find efficient simulation methods that are suitable for quantum emulation on SpiNNaker 2, so that a larger quantum circuit can be simulated with less compute resources.


The challenge of quantum emulation is that it requires a large amount of computational power. Thus it is difficult to emulate a quantum circuit with limited compute resources on a classical computer.

Practical example

A practical example of quantum emulation is digital twins, which can be used to aid the development of quantum computers.


The technology used in this project is the SpiNNaker 2 hardware and various methods for quantum emulation.


The results of this project will be centred around efficient simulation methods for quantum circuits. Further research directions would include various trade-off strategies to further improve the efficiency of the simulation.


Team Members

  • Dr.-Ing. Yexin Yan


funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.