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Title: Society for Knowledge Exchange in BioImage analysis (GloBIAS)

Project duration: 2023 – 2025

Research Area: Life Science and Medicine

In the recent year, the job title “BioImage Analyst” has established through the activities of the Network of BioImage Analysts (NEUBIAS). We aim to continue the successful mission of NEUBIAS and make it a global society, the Global Society Of BioImage Analysts (GloBIAS).


A Bioimage Analyst is an expert in imaging science, connecting life and computer science with expertise in utilizing computational power in analyzing bioimage data. Following the tradition of the Network of European BioImage Analysts (NEUBIAS), we plan to disseminate knowledge about state-of-the-art bioimage analysis tools and methods and lift our activities on a more sustainable level.


During the project duration we plan to 1) constitute GloBIAS as Society formally, 2) organize BioImage Analysts Workshops and 3) organize repositories and publications around training and best-practices in BioImage Analysis.




  • Dr. Robert Haase


  • Dr. Kota Miura (Centre for Cellular Imaging – Core Facilities, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Dr. Christian Tischer (Data Science Center, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Dr. Florian Levet (Bordeaux Imaging Center, Bordeaux, France)
  • Dr. Paula Sampaio (i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
  • Prof. Clara Prats (University of Copenhagen and Danish BioImaging national infrastructure BioImaging Core Facility, Denmark)
  • Dr. Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez (Sahlgrenska Academy, Centre for Cellular Imaging a National core facility, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Rocco D’Antuono (The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK)
  • Dr. Simon F. Nørrelykke (Harvard Medical School, USA)
  • Elnaz Fazeli (University of Helsinki)
  • Dr. Beth Cimini (Broad Institute, Boston, USA)
  • Dr. Christa Walter (German BioImaging, Germany)
funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.