Title: Entity Resolution on Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Research Area: Data Quality and Data Integration
Knowledge Graphs are a powerful datastructure able to model relationships and store information in a machine-readable and semantically meaningful way. In order to adress complex information needs it is often necessary to integrate knowledge from multiple sources. This entails detecting which entities in different data sources refer to the same real-world entity (which is called Entity Resolution). For example if we were to integrate Wikipedia and IMDB, we need to (among other things) figure out which actors in these data sources refer to the same person. While much research has focused on tackling this problem in the domain of tabular data, Knowledge Graphs pose specific challenges, but also opportunities for this data integration problem.
This research project aims to utilize the rich relational information present in Knowledge Graphs to create Entity Resolution tools that address this specific problem.
We investigate how (Knowledge Graph) embeddings, which translates the information of these data sources into lower-dimensional vectors, can aid in this process, as well as finding synergies with more traditional (machine learning) approaches.