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Societal Relevance of AI

Title: Societal Relevance of AI

Duration: 04/2021 – 12/2025

Research Area: Responsible AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robots (as its embodiment) are no longer used exclusively in research facilities and industry, but also by individuals in everyday private life. In particular,’social’ robots (e.g., toy or sex robots) and AI dialogue systems (e.g., ChatGPT) take on the role of social interaction partners through intentional or unconscious transfer of human or non-human attributes. They thus intrude into intimate human spheres of life. This applies especially to technical artifacts in religious contexts. The project analyses these interaction patterns and interprets them in terms of their social relevance.


Using the concrete example of AI and robots in religious contexts, the question of the extent to which social interactions with these technical artifacts are (or become) normative and how the interaction can be shaped responsibly will be investigated. Criteria will be established about

  • the necessary skills of the users (technological literacy),
  • human images, world views and intentions of the developers, and
  • the requirements of the technical artifact itself to define limits of acceptance.


The criteria developed for responsible AI and robotics are to be tested for their transferability to technical artifacts in other social contexts. In this way, general design requirements for smart technologies could be derived.


  • Kutz, Martin: „Mit Robotern beten? (Zukunfts-)Fragen zum Verhältnis von Mensch und Künstlicher Intelligenz“. In: Mensch und Maschine im Zeitalter Künstlicher Intelligenz – Theologische Herausforderungen, herausgegeben von Hermann Diebel-Fischer, Julian Zeyher-Quattlender, und Nicole Kunkel, Bd. 45, Leiten. Lenken. Gestalten. Berlin: Lit, 2023.



  • Prof. Dr. Birte Platow

Team Members

  • Martin Kutz
funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.