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Server-Side Aggregation of Time-Series Data in Distributed NoSQL Databases

Status: finished / Type of Theses: Master theses / Location: Leipzig


Time-Series data has become more and more important for Industry 4.0, IoT and data-driven companies. Since the data volume is rising, NoSQL databases like Apache AccumuloCassandra and HBase are providing extensions to work with time-series data:

Unfortunately they are either immature or didn’t provide exact numbers for aggregations (min, max, sum, avg, std deviation, percentile) of large data sets.


This theses aims to define a performant schema for exact aggregations by either using Apache Accumulo with server-side iterators or Apache Flink as distributed calculation framework.



  • Oliver Swoboda


  • Swoboda, O.: Serverseitige Aggregation von Zeitreihendaten in verteilten NoSQL-Datenbanken. In BTW (Workshops) (pp. 365-373), GI 2017 [PDF]


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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.