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Digital Mobile Classroom (DigiMoK)

Title: Digitales Mobiles Klassenzimmer (DigiMoK)

Project duration: 01.01.24 – 31.01.25

Research Area: Education, Digitization

Project description

The Digital Mobile Classroom (DigiMoK) is an innovative initiative in cooperation with ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and Helliwood media & education im fjs e.V., aimed at transforming education in Saxony by integrating digital media and Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the learning process. Since mid-January 2024, this digital mobile classroom has been touring schools across Saxony, promoting education around AI, coding, and robotics. Moreover, DigiMoK’s mission is to prepare students for a rapidly changing world by fostering solution-oriented thinking, reflection, and innovation. Through workshops and interactive sessions, DigiMoK not only empowers educators with the latest research and methods in AI but also creates a forward-thinking educational landscape in Saxony. Furthermore, the project emphasizes environmentally conscious practices, thereby bridging the gap between AI, education, and sustainability.

Photo. Digital Classroom (Digimok) is touring Saxony.


  • To arouse curiosity about future technologies among students
  • To support teachers in the digital transformation of their schools
  • Integrating digital learning into everyday school life
  • Strengthening schools in rural areas

Practical example

Students from the 5th and 6th grades, as well as the 8th and 9th grades participated in an engaging workshop where they learned to program small robots. The highlight was a challenge where students had to navigate their robots through a maze. This hands-on activity taught them the basics of coding and robotics and fostered teamwork and problem-solving skills. The excitement and curiosity sparked by this experience left a lasting impression on the students. Many expressed a newfound interest in pursuing technology-related subjects.

Photo. A pupil is checking his phone with a roboter in the background.


The workshops focus on environmentally conscious innovations, intelligent fashion advice, and marine protection, all using artificial intelligence (AI). They are engaging and educational, aiming to inspire students by integrating digital media and AI into their learning. Activities are emotionally appealing and motivate students to create their own media products, making their achievements visible. Accessible yet challenging, these workshops ensure students are intrigued and educated. They align closely with school curriculum topics, allowing seamless integration of knowledge into everyday classroom learning.


The DigiMoK project is gearing up for an exciting future, with plans to reach even more schools across Saxony, including those in rural areas. They’re also looking to make AI, coding, and robotics a regular part of the school curriculum by developing new modules and resources for teachers. Increasing community involvement by engaging parents, local businesses, and community leaders is a key goal to create a supportive environment for digital education. Additionally, the project focuses on sustainability and long-term impact, providing ongoing support for teachers and continuously updating the digital tools and resources used in the workshops.


DigiMoK is an offer of Helliwood media & education in fjs e.V. and is realized in cooperation with the Centre for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Dresden/Leipzig. As a cooperation partner, ScaDS.AI is involved in providing demonstrators as well as content for workshops and gives students insights into current research topics. In addition, researchers advise the project and provide technical expertise. More information and application forms for schools can be found here.


Helliwood media & education im fjs e.V.

Team Members


Various schools in Saxony

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.