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Jan Baumbach and Joachim L. Schultze (01.03.2023)

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig announces and welcomes you to join our public colloquium session on Wednesday, 01.03.2023, 2-4 p.m. The speakers are Prof. Jan Baumbach and Prof. Joachim L. Schultze. The colloquium takes place at Leipzig University, Paulinum, Felix Klein lecture hall (P 501/502) and in parallel online (link to Zoom session). 

The Life Science and Medicine team at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig invites Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach and Prof. Dr. Joachim L. Schultze.

Photo. Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach.

Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach

  • Professor of Computational Systems Biology, University of Hamburg, Center for Bioinformatics

Privacy-preserving Systems Medicine – OR – What I learnt about Arnold Schwarzenegger while studying breast cancer

Large-scale omics data analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI) technology is finding its way into the clinic to revolutionize our approach to medicine as a whole. Beyond personalized medicine, AI-driven medical data profiling is leaving massive footprints – from drug repurposing to a mechanistic redefinition of diseases. To move away from organ- and symptom-based disease descriptors to clinically actionable mechanistic approaches, computational systems and network medicine emerged. We will introduce the field, discuss current approaches and pitfalls as well as potential future avenues. While we first focus on breast cancer to illustrate the principles of systems/network medicine – as a running example – along the talk, we will change our focus to arbitrary diseases to demonstrate the potential and scalability of the field and our own work.

About Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach

Learn more about Prof. Baumbach

Photo. Prof. Dr. Joachim L. Schultze.

Prof. Dr. Joachim L. Schultze

  • Director Systems Medicine, DZNE
  • Professor of Genomics and Immunoregulation, University of Bonn

Swarm Learning, a democratizing approach for the application of AI to medical data

Developing precision medicine principles is one of the major goals in the current transformation of the health care sector. While medicine traditionally is an expert- and knowledge-driven discipline, the availability of medical data at the highest resolution will allow a complementary use of big data to define disease-specific patterns that can help physicians to guide diagnostics and treatments. 

However, to make use of medical big data, it will be necessary to utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches. Major tasks for the translation of the many exciting AI research projects in medicine to clinical applications include generalization of AI models, scaling of these models and real-world testing across institutions as well as protecting data privacy and ensuring data security in a sustainable fashion. To address these tasks, we have recently developed Swarm Learning, the world-wide first combination of a private-permissioned blockchain with AI applications. We illustrated with several use cases that Swarm Learning addresses all these tasks, outperforms local and even central AI models and thereby provides a democratized approach to AI applications in medicine.

About Prof. Dr. Joachim L. Schultze

Learn more about Prof. Schultze.


Leipzig University
Neues Augusteum
04109 Leipzig

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.