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Prof. Carsten Binning

Interactive Data Exploration

Technology has been the key enabler of the current Big Data movement. Without open-source tools like R and Hadoop, as well as the advent of cheap, abundant computing and storage in the cloud, the ongoing trend toward datafication of almost every research field and industry could never have occurred. However, the current Big Data tool set is ill-suited for interactive data exploration making the knowledge discovery process a major bottleneck in our data-driven society. In this talk, we will first give an overview of challenges for interactive data exploration on lage data sets and then present current research trends that revisit the design of existing data management systems, from the query interface to the underlying hardware, to enable interactive data exploration. After attending this lecture, the participants should have a detailed understanding of which techniques can be applied to enable interactive exploration on large data sets.


Carsten Binnig is a Full Professor in the Computer Science department at at TU Darmstadt and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Computer Science department at Brown University. Carsten received his PhD at the University of Heidelberg in 2008. Afterwards, he spent time as a postdoctoral researcher in the Systems Group at ETH Zurich and at SAP working on in-memory databases.  Currently, his research focus is on the design of data management systems for modern hardware as well as modern workloads such as interactive data exploration and machine learning.  He has recently been awarded a Google Faculty Award and a VLDB Best Demo Award for his research.

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funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.